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Cookie Policy


By utilizing “cookies,” we can learn more about you and how you use our site. A cookie is a little data file that our website keeps on your computer and accesses each time you visit in order to gather information about how you use it and customize content to your preferences.
You may configure your browser to refuse cookies from us, but keep in mind that if you do, we might not be able to provide you with all of the services you desire. This policy only pertains to the transmission of cookies from your computer to our website; it does not include any third-party services that we may use on our website.
By accepting our cookie policy, you can tell us more about you and how you use our site. A cookie is a little data file that our website keeps on your computer and accesses each time you visit in order to gather information about how you use it and customise content to your preferences.You may configure your browser to refuse cookies from us, but keep in mind that if you do, we might not be able to provide you with all of the services you desire. The information we get from Cookie helps us if we want to improve our website and optimisation of our search engine. Be advised that your information does not get shared with any third-party services that we may use on our website.